I'm finishing up with an assessment trip to Honduras, and I can safely say that the medical needs of the children are already being addressed for the most part. "Child Development Centers" (CDC's) are MoM projects that care for 80-100 children each. There are about 9 of them, all in various stages of development. What is unique about them is that they are cared for, sponsored, by local churches. There are no missionaries involved, and each church has its own CDC. The medical care is provided by Dr. Paublo a young general practioner. He has most of the preliminary physical examinations on almost 1000 children served by MoM, and has a clinic already established where he sees some of the children in follow up and has some medicine to give out. Some of the projects are very poor and even dangerous.
Gun toting guards are seen with delivery trucks who come to the projects. Tony, the Field director and I, have been pretty careful of our surroundings, and look both ways before we enter a dirt street or an ally way. The children for the most part are healthy, with malnutrion, skin rashes, and upper respiratory infectinos most prevalent. The poorer the areas are that we go to, the more illness I see. This seems to be a country of either "you have" or "you don't". Wealth is evident and so is the poorest of the poor.
For what it's worth, all the children, the CDC's, the churches, and those who care for the MoM projects are "wealthy" in their own right: He is with them, and has blessed them.
In all things give thanks,
For what it's worth, all the children, the CDC's, the churches, and those who care for the MoM projects are "wealthy" in their own right: He is with them, and has blessed them.
In all things give thanks,