Saturday, October 24, 2015

India: Getting here

After 36+ hours we've arrived. Flying you would think is tedious, but while flying we are detached and remotely singular for hours and for many miles, over 11,000 miles in fact. This solitude comes rarely these days in our busy world. We have time to reflect, ponder, dream and drift off without having to worry about the inevitable interruptions, requests, emails, texts or banter that our lives are so often burdened with. So reflect I did and prepared my heart and mind for the five days of clinics that we will be holding in remote projects and villages. There is no story here other than to say that sometimes we need to get to 38,000 feet, find some quiet time, and reminder selves that there is someone greater than ourselves who puts us in places where we may not think we belong but are needed all the same. And yes, this time it's India.

We have a free day tomorrow which is unusual in order to get us well rested for the marathon that will begin on Monday. I'll be back then with stories to tell and a look see at a part of the world where children struggle and are sometimes forgotten.

In all things give thanks,
