Monday, May 14, 2007


On this trip to Honduras, I saw a Hassidic Jew and his young son put their tallits on and pray openly at the airport in Houston. Then I met a local pastor here in Honduras who had a shofar (ram's horn) in his church that he blew every Friday before the Sabbath and blew it for me as he and I recited a classic Jewish prayer. Now I'm sitting in the airport in Honduras and a family of Mennonites are sitting right across from me praying from a book that I don't recognize.

From all of this, God sure has been prayed to on many different levels, from different faiths, and perhaps for different reasons. But the fact remains that prayer occurs. He listens better than we do I suspect, and reponds in His own way. A Jew, Christian, and a similar.

In all things give thanks,